Sunday, October 28, 2012

new england fall/columbus day weekend

          I was excited to go home for Columbus Day weekend several weeks ago, and managed to navigate my way to the bus terminal, though not without difficulty. I got out of class at 1:00, caught a train into the city, walked in the opposite direction of the bus station, hailed a cab, sprinted to my bus, and stood there until we were allowed to board, half an hour past schedule. We didn’t leave until 3:30 and got stuck in horrendous traffic, arriving in beautiful Boston 6 hours later. 
          My mom (and dinner) were waiting for me at South Station, and I was beyond excited to see her. It was fantastic to sleep in my own bed and shower without wearing flip flops, but I completely overcommitted myself for the following three days. Three of my friends that go to school in Boston were home for the weekend, so I wanted to spend time with them, as well as with my parents and Diana. On Saturday morning, I spent some quality time at the mall with my mom after brunching with my dad, and in the afternoon I picked up my friends and drove to Cider Hill Farm for an afternoon of apple picking and doughnut eating. Driving for the first time in 5 weeks was an incredible experience, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed my car and the freedom that comes with having a license and living in a rural area. 
Cider Hill was beautiful, though I was only there for the doughnuts, but we walked through the orchards hunting for apples. Later that day, my mom cooked my favorite dinner, and I went to the movies with my sister and some friends, staying out way too late. Our parents dragged Diana and I to church the next morning, but followed through with lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant and a trip to the Ansel Adams exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA. It was a great exhibit and I loved spending the day with the people I love most. 
The trip home would not have been complete without a meal at my absolute favorite eatery, Las Olas Taqueria, so Diana and I went for dinner, almost causing me to burst into tears because of its deliciousness. College food is barely edible, and after a lifetime of my mom’s home cooking, I am less than thrilled with the meal selection at school. 
I had an afternoon bus on Monday, so I spent the morning with my dad, eating a late breakfast and going to Applecrest Farm for lunch and a hayride. It was great to have a weekend full of traditional New England Fall activities, since I feel so far removed from everything like that in the Bronx. I was sad to leave Newburyport because my weekend felt so rushed, but I can’t wait to go home for Thanksgiving. 

jackie, becca, and danielle

photo cred to jackie peszynski
with diana at the PEM

so much happiness in this picture

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

diana and dad visit

          The third weekend after classes started, my dad and Diana came to visit on Sunday--a much needed taste of home and family, and part of me wanted to return to Newburyport when they left later that night. It’s hard being in an unfamiliar place that is so urban and enormous without having loved ones nearby, though I’m endlessly grateful for the opportunities here in New York. 
While they were here, we had a great time wandering around Manhattan. We stopped into the Public Library (which currently has an excellent exhibit about the evolution of restaurants and fast food), had lunch and coffee, fit in a little bit of shopping, and returned to the Bronx for dinner on Arthur Avenue, the original Little Italy. 
Driving to New York and back in one day is exhausting, and I was really grateful to have my family visit. Seeing them made me feel a lot older and somehow very different; not seeing my sister everyday has been the strangest part of being away, and being able to function without my family and friends from home makes me really proud of myself. I love seeing my family and I make sure to phone home every few days, but I can’t deny that I’m enjoying having a life of my own.

sunday afternoon at the new york public library  

Monday, October 15, 2012

college life

          College in New York has been a huge adjustment, and it’s one of the biggest risks I’ve ever taken. Even while we were packing all of my stuff into the car, I didn’t feel like it was happening; I could not grasp the fact that I would be sharing a tiny dorm room with someone I barely knew and wouldn’t see my parents, sister, or friends everyday. Saying good bye to my sister was surreal; I went to her work (at a fried seafood shack) and hugged her farewell in the middle of a crowd of hungry customers. When my parents left me at Fordham, it finally sank in that I wouldn’t see my dad the next morning or have dinner with my mom.
          I won’t deny that I’m homesick, and I miss the easiness and familiarity of Newburyport, the town I’ve lived in for nearly my whole life. Fortunately, I’m enjoying all of my classes and keeping busy with clubs and occasional trips into Manhattan. I’m grateful that one of my best friends goes to Hofstra, so we can visit each other on the weekends or meet up for lunch in the city. I can’t wait to go home for Thanksgiving to see my family and friends and have a break from classes, but until then I’ll be enjoying the Big Apple. 

somehow managed to fit everything into one car

fordham won their first home game!
ramtown 2012, a basketball pep rally
trip to the Met for art history class
fashion's night out in manhattan
galaxie and i at FAO Schwarz

rockefeller plaza (taken with Instagram)

(taken with Instagram)