Thursday, March 1, 2012

school vacation surprise

diana and the birthday girl!
a beautiful nautical cake courtesy of gretchen

          Two weeks ago, Newburyport had a much anticipated February vacation. This winter has been surprisingly (and annoyingly) mild, so I have been hoping for a little snow, but vacation week was nearly spring-like. Since I didn't have any trips planned, I picked up some extra hours at work, shopped way too much, and spent time with friends. One of the most fun parts of break was a surprise party my sister and I planned for Klaudia's birthday. She turned 18, which I found out last month isn't as great an age as promised.
          Nevertheless, I invited a bunch of friends for a surprise dinner at Flatbread's, one of our favorite spots, for delicious organic pizza and good company. Our friend Gretchen, who is a master baker, made an incredible chocolate cake, complete with blue and white stripes and an anchor on top to honor Klaudia's love for all things nautical. We had a great time, and spent the next few days buying scratch tickets to celebrate the fact that we are both officially adults. Unfortunately, vacation flew by far too quickly, so it's back to school for now. Even though spring is just around the corner, I'm still hoping for a snow day!